Expert Details

Dr Callum Gowling
Experience: Professional Coach since 2004 & Sports Psychology Expert
My proudest achievements are my family. In second place comes Liquid Sport Psychology. I am extremely proud to support 10 UK tennis academies, 4 international academies, and write academic content for world governing bodies and support coach education with national governing bodies. I work with schools to provide mental skills and well being support for their students. I'm an accredited sport psychologist with BPS and a professional member of B.A.S.E.S. my sole working purpose is to support athletes along their journey and increase the awareness and uptake of mental skills development - particularly within youth sport.
Skill Sets
I coached tennis for 15 years and gained valuable experience and insights about the challenges tennis players face. I have used these experiences (plus academic and professional study) to be in a position to provide personalised mental skills development for athletes. I am not interested in what is right or wrong... only what is best for the individual.
Coaching Specialities
Sport Psychology and mental skills
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